What are the conference dates?

The conference will take place over three days: May 7, 8, and 9, 2024.

What is the cost to attend?

There is no cost to attend this conference.

Who can attend this conference?

We welcome victim advocates, prevention experts, educators, outreach staff, mental health professionals, campus professionals, medical providers, law enforcement, prosecutors, military personnel, offender treatment professionals, school counselors, and beyond! When it comes to sexual assault and interpersonal violence, we all have something to learn. No matter who you are, we would love for you to join us.

Will you be offering CEUs for the sessions?

We will be offering NASW-TN CEUs for all sessions at no cost.

Can I get a certificate of attendance for this conference?

Yes! Once the conference is over, all attendees will receive an email with information on how to request a certificate of attendance for any sessions attended.

Will sessions be available to watch after the conference if I am unable to attend a session?

Almost every session will be recorded and will be available to view for one year following the conference. Information on how to access the recordings will be sent out to all attendees after the conference.

When is the deadline to register for the conference?

You can register right up until the last day of the conference! But, we hope you’ll register soon, so you don’t miss out on anything.

How do I modify / change my registration?

If you need to make any changes to your registration, please email us at evainio@sacenter.org

Will the conference be accessible?

Live-captioning, ASL, and Spanish Language interpretation will be provided at all sessions. If you require ASL or Spanish language interpretation, please indicate this in your registration when prompted. Please reach out to us at evainio@sacenter.org if you have any questions!